Your pets are cherished family members
When I lost my cat, Patches to the big pet food recall of 2007, I made it my purpose to help keep other cats and as many companion animals as safe and healthy as possible.

Two months later, I rescued 2 cats.
I wanted to make sure that they only had the best food and treats that I could find.
I started feeding them Life's Abundance Cat Food and they have not been
back to the vet for anything other than regular check-ups.
These are the happiest and healthiest cats
I have ever seen.
I started feeding them Life's Abundance Cat Food and they have not been
back to the vet for anything other than regular check-ups.
These are the happiest and healthiest cats
I have ever seen.
No recalls
Most importantly, not a single Life's Abundance product has ever been recalled!
Superior Ingredients
Life's Abundance cat and dog products are formulated with super healthy ingredients! All food and treats are Corn-free, Wheat-free, contain no added sugar or by-products and nothing artificial.

Great reputation
With thousands of reviews from happy customers online, and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, you can rest assured that the products and customer service are outstanding!

Great products for you too!
As it turns out, Life's Abundance makes awesome products for the whole family with the same quality and care.
Their skin care line is formulated with all organic ingredients and their health supplements were formulate with world-renowned nutritionist Keri Glassman, MS.RD.CDN.
Their skin care line is formulated with all organic ingredients and their health supplements were formulate with world-renowned nutritionist Keri Glassman, MS.RD.CDN.
My mission continues.
"A Righteous Man Cares For The Needs Of His Animals" Proverbs 12:10
Since 2007 my purpose has been to help as many pet parents as possible.
I want you to have peace of mind, too, knowing you're helping your pets to be happy and healthy by giving them the very best.
I want you to have peace of mind, too, knowing you're helping your pets to be happy and healthy by giving them the very best.
If you have any questions feel free to schedule a 15 minute appointment with me.
I'd love to hear from you!
I'd love to hear from you!